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Brand: Percos Pharma
Product Code:65
Availability: Out Of Stock
Country of manufacture: India
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Properties and indications:

Epilite solution ® hydroquinone 5%, blocks melanin synthesis and evens out skin tone;

is used to brighten dark spots on the skin caused by pregnancy, birth control pills, hormonal therapy, or skin lesions;

is intended to treat:

  • hyperpigmentation;
  • melasma;
  • age spots;
  • freckles, etc.

The composition and release form:

solution for external use 40ml/1.35 fl oz

Active ingredient:

Hydroquinone USP – 5.0 % w/v.

Non-Aqueous Base – q.s.


  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • acute inflammation (including eczema) lesions of the skin (dermatitis, seborrhea, and others.);
  • rosacea;
  • skin lesions (wounds, burns, etc.);
  • photosensitivity;
  • diseases of the rectum, of liver or kidney, Addison's disease;
  • asthma, allergic to sulfites, or to any of the components of the cream;
  • hypersensitivity to any component of the cream (discontinue use and consult a doctor if you have any of these symptoms of an allergic reaction: hives, difficulty breathing, swelling of the face, lips, tongue, or throat).

Side effects of the preparation

In controlled clinical trials, the most frequently reported side effects such as:

  • redness;
  • peeling;
  • burning;
  • dryness and itching at the site of application.

Discontinue use and notify your doctor if you have any of the following side effects:

  • darkening of the treated skin;
  • strong irritation of the skin;
  • the formation of bubbles;
  • dribbling, scaling or crusting;
  • painful burning or swelling of the skin;
  • any type of breathing problems;
  • irritation of your eyes, nose or mouth.

Dosage and how to use:

Epilite (Hyde) 5% solution should always be used in accordance with the instructions of your doctor.

In order to properly use it, follow these steps:

  • gently wash your face with a mild cleanser;
  • apply the solution 1 a day at night, at least 30 minutes before bedtime;
  • apply a small amount on a cotton swab or applicator that is attached in the box;
  • apply a thin layer evenly on the pigment area;
  • also include about 5 mm of normal skin surrounding the affected area. The solution should be well absorbed. If you can still see it, then you use it too much;
  • is required to wash your hands after;
  • avoid using other products on the treated area for at least 1 hour after application;
  • if there is dry, apply a moisturizer;
  • the result will be seen after 1-4 weeks;
  • therapy time is 2-4 months according to the prescription of your doctor;
  • second course is possible only after consultation with your doctor.

Important information:

  • avoid of products which can dry or irritate the skin, for example, abrasive cleansers, scrubs or peels, an alcohol, benzoyl peroxide, soap;
  • exposure to solar UV light and heat, wind and cold should be avoided. If exposure can not be avoided, then the sunscreen (SPF 30 or higher) and protective clothing should always be used. After stopping treatment, you still need to protect your skin from the sun's rays;
  • if you burned, stop using the cream as long your skin has healed;
  • keep the cream away from your nose, mouth or eyes. In case of contact, rinse with warm water;
  • too much can irritate your skin and will not give you faster or better results;
  • do not use occlusive dressings;
  • you can also use a moisturizing and / or cosmetic non-comedogenic products, within a day;
  • safety and effectiveness of Hyde 5% solution has not been studied in people with dark skin (Fitzpatrick skin type V and VI);
  • only your doctor can determine whether a treatment with this drug suitable option for you.

Storage conditions:

  • at a temperature not exceeding 30 °C in a cool dark place;
  • keep out of the reach of children.
Tags: перкос, эпилит, эпилит лосьон, эпилит раствор, эпилит жидкость, гидрохинон, гидрохинон 5, гидрохинон раствор, гидрохинон тоник, тоник с гидрохиноном, гидрохинон жидкость для кожи, гиперпигментация, крем от гиперпигментации, осветляющий крем, пигментные пятна, от пигментации, темные пятна, от темных пятен, антивозрастной, анти-возрастной, антиэйджинг, антиэйдж, антиэйджинг крем, от морщин, возрастные пятна, пост-акне, меланодермия, мелазма, крем от мелазмы, веснушки, крем от веснушек, percos, hyde, hyde solution, hyde topical, hyde fluid, hyde lotion, epilite, epilite lotion, epilite solution, epilite fluid, hydroquinone, hydroquinone fluid, hydroquinone lotion, hydroquinone 5, hydroquinone solution, hydroquinone toner, toner with hydroquinone, hydroquinone skin fluid, hyperpigmentation, cream for hyperpigmentation, brightening cream, lightening cream, age spots, pigmentation, dark spots, brown spots, cream from dark spots, anti-aging, anti-age, anti-aging solution, anti-wrinkle, age spots, aging spots, post-acne, melasma, melasma cream, cream for melasma, freckles, cream for freckles
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